Cycle: XXXI

Curriculum: ECOM


Office Location: Campus Luigi Einaudi (1D 407)

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Research Interests

Economics of Science, Economics of Innovation, Network Science, Text Mining, Energy Economics

Short Bio

I received the PhD in Economics, curriculum Economics and Complexity, in January 2019. During my PhD, I studied indicators of interdisciplinarity and novelty in science and technology and I spent seven months at the Department of Network and Data Science of the Central European University (Budapest) as a visiting PhD student. I hold a Master of Arts in Economics and Complexity at the Collegio Carlo Alberto and a Master’s Degree in Theoretical Physics at the University of Turin.


  • PhD “Vilfredo Pareto” in Economics, University of Turin (2015 – 2019)
  • MA in Economics and Complexity (MADAS), Collegio Carlo Alberto (2014)
  • MSc. in Physics – Theoretical Physics, University of Turin (2013)
  • BSc. in Physics, University of Bologna (2011)

Work in Progress

  • How many roads? An exploration of interdisciplinarity research (with Battiston F., Fontana M. and Sinatra R.)
  • Novelty as knowledge recombination
  • The structure of knowledge diffusion in time and space: the making of the EU research area (with Fontana M., Guerzoni M. and Papp A.)


  • Switching behavior and the liberalization of the Italian electricity retail market. Logistic and mixed effect Bayesian estimations of consumer choice, Energy Policy, Forthcoming (with Fontana M. and Nava C.)
  • Paths and processes in complexity electricity markets: the agent-based perspective, In: Handbook of Energy Economics, Forthcoming (Sciullo, Vallino E. and Fontana M.)
  • A bridge over troubled water: interdisciplinarity, novelty and impact, Department of Political Economy, Working Paper no2, Cattolica University, 2018 (with Fontana M., Montobbio F. and Sinatra R.)
  • Barrier to switching in retail electricity markets: a regional analysis of the Italian market, In: Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions, Green energy and Technology, Springer, 2018 (Fontana M., and Nava C.)
  • A Reputation-based Distributed District Scheduling Algorithm for Smart Grids, EAI Endorsed Transactions on Cognitive Communications, 15(2), 2015 (Borra D., Borean C. and Fagnani F.)


  • European Commission Tender: The analysis of socio-economic drivers of switching behaviours in retail electricity markets (June-Sept. 2018).
  • Expert for European Commission, Joint Research Center – Institute for Energy and Transport, Energy Security, Systems and Market Unit, Petten (Sept.-Dec. 2015).