Cycle: XXXIV
Curriculum: ECON
Office Location: Collegio Carlo Alberto
Research Interests
Feminist Economics, Econometrics, Big Data Analysis, Network Analysis
Short Bio
I always had a great interest in social sciences, thus I took my bachelor’s degree in Development economics and International Cooperation (SECI) at the University of Florence. The academic interest into this field was always accompanied by my commitment in voluntary works, both with the aim of helping disadvantaged people than for promoting social values. Then I took my master’s degree in Economics at the University of Bologna (LMEC) in 2018. In my final dissertation I built a microeconomic model of occupational segregation by sex. During the master I developed my interest in econometrics and big data analysis. My involvement into the issue of gender inequality is not exclusively academic. Before leaving Florence, I was committed to political activity within a feminist group for many years.
- PhD “Vilfredo Pareto” in Economics, University of Turin (2018 – )
- MSc. in Economics, University of Bologna (2018)
- BSc. in Development Economics and International Cooperation, University of Florence (2016)